Impact-Transformation-Eternal Change

"Good Mood Foundation"
Celebrating 20 Years of Ministry in 2025

Blessing the Gentiles, Proclaiming the Gospel, and Taking Christians to Israel

The following is my “storyboard” that tells my story and the story of Israel. Each underlined word opens a file that lists the Biblical sites in Israel, which we will uncover to tell my story further.

Israel is the home of three of the most “important” Biblical sites. They are “Jerusalem” (the “local” of many Biblical events). The “Temple Mount” (the “local” of the Jewish First and Second Temples and sacrificial system). “Golgotha” (the “local” of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ). Much of the Bible and the other Biblical sites are “connected” in some form or fashion to these three sites.

My story begins at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. My story reminds us that regardless of our profession, vocation, or calling, we function as human beings because of our “brain.” Interestingly, Israel has no “natural” resources to speak of. Therefore, they use the only “resource” they or anyone else needs—the “gray matter” between their ears. Many of the “technologies” we use were developed in Israel. It’s why an ever-increasing number of Fortune 500 companies have offices in Israel to tap into Israel’s “brain trust.”

Worldwide, there are 7.4 billion Gentiles (98.98 percent) and only 14 million Jews (.02 of one percent). Yet the Jewish people continue to lead in every field, profession, and endeavor. Why? God’s symbiotic relationship (Abrahamic Covenant) is that the Jews bless the Gentiles, and the Gentiles bless the Jews. Therefore, it is “no surprise” that Israel has more computers per capita than any other country. Israelis are in front of their computers, learning, thinking, studying, and coming up with new ideas—many of which are the basis for a “new venture,” a “new company,” or a “new strategy.” No wonder Israel is known as the “Start-Up” Nation.

Unless you’re a musician, athlete, writer, software developer, scientist, or similar—getting it right and developing the skillsets necessary to sell and make a living is hard. But the Jewish and Gentile people who “understand” what I am saying say it like this. “We became a success at failure.” Learning, growing, making mistakes, and starting over “repeatedly” in Israel is encouraged, expected, and applauded. Treating failure by saying, “That’s okay, good job,” is a foreign concept. The Jewish mantra is “Get up and try again!”

However, sometimes, the organ of the body that fuels all ideas for creativity, innovation, and livelihood, the brain— ceases to function “normally.” Therefore, I use the term “mood struggles” to encompass “all” mental health struggles. Thankfully, mental health is an issue on everyone’s mind these days. It’s a part of my life journey, so I wrote a book, My Pursuit of a Good Mood. The “famed” and late Waco, Texas, businessman Paul J. Meyer read my manuscript, published it, wrote the foreword, and gave the Good Mood Foundation the first printing of 10,000 copies so we could give them away. We’re in our 7th printing.

The Church of Jesus Christ is not a Country Club; one of its fundamental purposes is to provide the Biblical preaching and teaching of God’s Word. The Church also belongs in the context of “Community” – ministering to people who will not come or cannot go to a physical building.

Beginning in February 2012, the Good Mood Foundation was “chosen” and ministered to the “Spiritual Component” for getting and staying well to the in-patients of Carrollton Springs Hospital, starting on the first day they opened. They are a psychiatric and addiction hospital in Carrollton, Texas. Our team ministered there every Sunday and Wednesday for seven and a half years. Like everyone, I believed the “Good Mood Foundation” would exclusively be a mental health ministry. But my heart was being pulled toward Israel.

So, like many Israelis (and Gentiles), I sat at my computer, studied, thought, and wrote concerning my current project, “Next Year in Jerusalem is Now,” ™ which I started in 2012. It’s been a long, arduous, but exhilarating journey. I created many files within that project, so let’s begin with the most obvious one—a summary of Israel.

My “teaching specialty” is the “Feasts of Israel.” Here is our most up-to-date Workbook and Invitation.

People continue to ask me about Israel and what is going on in the region. I have found no better answer to that and similar questions than a video by Gary Hamrick, who provides the Best explanation about Israel and the End Times.

We live in the “Time” called the “Church Age” as God directs His people to accomplish their “assigned” Ministry, vision, and purpose. God continues to extend His grace of salvation and righteousness to the Gentiles and a “remnant of Jews” who will believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But one day, the “full measure of the Gentiles will “come in,” and it will be time for the Church to be “gathered” (raptured). Until then, Jewish and Gentile believers are called to “run” the race set before them.

God’s ultimate objective is to further His Kingdom Purposes. Therefore, no matter your “specific” God-assigned task, ONE thing is “certain”—every Christian is in the Ministry. I define “Ministry” as bringing the food, getting the water, or picking up the garage (or its equivalent). Within that definition, every Christian can do “something.” Interestingly, in Israel, everyone serves. Service drives the Israeli “heart.” But sometimes, the tasks of the Ministry make the heart “static”— cold. That’s why we must prioritize service to a “person” (s). Above all else, people matter to God. Service to “someone,” whatever that looks like, reenergizes the heart. I call my heart “static eliminator” Heart Beats.

One thing that also drives my heart and the “hearts” of many Churches and Christians is asking God to open the doors of opportunity to share the Good News of the New Covenant with their Jewish and Gentile friends. The Good News is that righteousness (Right Standing with God) is obtained through faith, not works.

Therefore, many people need to hear the answer to the most crucial question anyone can ask, “How can a mortal be Made Righteous before God?” Job 9:2.

Jewish Friends deserve to hear about the Good News of the New Covenant in the context of a relationship and the Holy Spirit opening a dialogue for spiritual discussions. After all, God said a New Covenant was coming for “Israel.” However, the arrival of the Jewish Messiah precedes the ratification of the New Covenant at His death. But many Jews and Gentiles don’t believe that the Messiah has come. The Book of Daniel, chapter nine, provides the “timeline” of when the Jewish Messiah would arrive. It also provides the “timeline” for His intentions concerning Israel, Jerusalem, the Jewish people, the Death of the Messiah, and the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple. Therefore, Daniel’s “70- 7’s” is the Most Significant prophecy in the Bible.

Of course, that study also deserves a review of the entire Book of Daniel.

Let’s return to my previous “Next Year in Jerusalem is Now” ™ story. You’ll recall that Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the IDF chief rabbi, sounded the Shofar Trumpet as he led Israeli paratroopers through the “Lion’s Gate” to capture the “Western Wall” and liberate Jerusalem back into Israeli control. Every Christian I know is fascinated with the Shofar Trumpet (Ram’s Horn) – as they should be, it’s God’s favorite instrument. Here is a brief background and Instructions.

We were in Israel in April 2023. Here is a video of me sounding the Shofar in Israel two minutes after “sunset” to begin Israel’s 75th Anniversary.

For me, being in Israel opens up a spiritual communication with God like no other. I have no other words to describe it. We drove to Alabama a few weeks later and, on that trip, decided to build a house and move there. I’m convinced that being in Israel prior made that decision possible. Now, we are near family, a new Church family, and our new “community.” It’s one of the best decisions of our lives.

Again, speaking about the Shofar Trumpet, God introduces it in the Bible’s first Book (Genesis), which is “sounded” throughout Israel’s history. It’s important to know that nowhere in Scripture did God say to stop sounding the Shofar. Why? The Church of Jesus Christ is waiting for the sound of the “Last Trumpet” before being “gathered” (raptured) to be with Jesus.

But who will sound the “Last Trumpet,” and how or when will we hear it? I don’t know. But I believe we are or soon will be in a “season” where Christians have a Shofar Trumpet, and they are regularly sounding it. Meanwhile, in the Heavenlies, in the last Book of the Bible (Revelation), God’s Seven Angels will sound “Seven Temple Trumpets.” It’s clear that after the Seventh Angel sounds the “Seventh Temple Trumpet,” Jesus Christ RETURNS. Here are all of the stories in the Bible about Israel and the sounding of God’s Trumpet.

I see a day when many Christians bring a small pocket-sized Shofar to sound throughout their journey. Of course, there are time and place restrictions to avoid offenses against anyone. Israeli tour guides will provide instructions. Therefore, now is also the time to “Sound the Trumpets in Zion” ™ [“Zion” is Jerusalem-God’s City]

Many Christians I know reach a physical age when things “seem” to fall into place. How does that happen? God’s Word, His Will, and His Ways. I’ve been studying the Bible since 1980. Bible study is fun, exhilarating, and transformative as I approach His Word through the lens of my issues and sufferings. Here is my Bible Study Strategy and some of the “outcomes” from using this strategy.

The strategy finds its basis in Scripture. In the Book of Romans, Paul declares that trials produce perseverance, perseverance procures character, and character produces hope. HOPE’s result has been the driving force of the Jewish and Gentile experience. God meant for “suffering and trials” to drive us to Him and His Word! Israel’s “suffering” was exacerbated on October 7, 2023, and we all know what happened. Tourism to Israel dwindled to a trickle, especially tours to the Biblical sites by Christians. But they are returning with a unifying force.

Speaking of Israel’s sufferings, are you aware of Her suffering through history? Interestingly, most of the most significant ones all began on the “same day” of the “same month”— the 9th of Av.

Christians continue to love and bless Israel and the Jewish people in so many ways as they should. One of the best ways to do this is to visit Israel and tour the Biblical sites. It’s one thing to see pictures or videos of Israel and the Biblical sites. But after you “see” and tour the Biblical sites in Israel, their locations, and background— Your Bible WILL come to LIFE! It’s a certainty confirmed by millions of Christians who have come.

I am also confident when you come to Israel—something in your “heart” will say, “I am home.” Why? Again, Paul, a Hebrew Christian and author of most of the New Testament, indicates that Gentile Christians, whom we can refer to as “Spiritual Jews,” have been “grafted” into Israel’s “Olive Tree.” Therefore, one of the nuances of the Jewish and “Spiritual Jew” experience is an inner push that God placed into their heart— the desire to come to Israel—The Promised Land.

Biblically, the Nation of Israel is God’s Time Clock. No wonder Israel had to be reborn and why Israel will continue to exist until “the end.” So why do some Churches and Christians believe that the “Church” has replaced “Israel?” Israel exists! It’s a dichotomy based on a lie easily refuted. Therefore, can you imagine the colossal uptick in trips to Israel if this “segment” changed their minds about the “Replacement Theology” lie?

I understand that not everyone who wants to come to Israel can do so. So when your Church and friends go, be sure they take many pictures and videos to share with you and your Church. I also know that many Christians have resources beyond their needs. Maybe you can sponsor someone(s) to go with you or in your place.

In conclusion, “Next Year in Jerusalem is Now.” ™ Therefore, whether now or tomorrow—ONE DAY— “all’’ believers will return to Israel and the “New Jerusalem,” and we will dwell or “Tabernacle” with Israel’s King for 1,000 years.

I hope the lens of my perspective told my story and that the story of our Ministry using some Biblical sites has impacted you. “Everyone” who leads or wants to lead a tour to Israel and the Biblical sites adds the lens of “their” perspective to the never-ending supply of stories that exist or “will be” authored to connect the Bible, Israel’s history, God’s People, the Messiah, and Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Biblical sites.

There are only three places I want to be:
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